41 Hilarious Clown Puns That Will Leave You in Splits

Humor sits on a unicycle, juggling countless forms of comedy, but let’s focus on one colorful subset today – Clown humor! Loaded with ruby noses, oversized shoes, and a comedy vehicle carrying an improbable number of jesters, we’re about to embark on a laughter-filled journey like no other. Prepare those belly muscles for a good laughter workout, as we’ve compiled a list of clown-themed quips that will tickle every funny bone in your body!

This circus ring of hilarity is made up of 41 rib-tickling clown puns and jokes, straight from the giants of the comic big top. Whether you’re a fan of slapstick, wordplay, or the surreal silliness of clowns, there’s something here for everyone to snicker at. So, hold onto your popcorn and sodas, folks! We promise this circus of laughs will leave you splitting your sides and gasping for air between guffaws. Step right this way, ladies and gentlemen, and let the comedic clown show begin!

  • Why was the circus manager so good at her job? She knew how to crack the whip!
  • A man, worried his wife was getting bored with him, asked his friend what he could do to spark up his marriage. “It’s simple, ” said his friend, “have a clown deliver some flowers. ” “Why a clown? said the man. “Why not use an ordinary flower delivery service? ” “Isn’t it obvious? ” his friend replied. “No woman can resist a romantic jester. ”
  • Why was the clown always broke? Because he juggled his finances!
  • Why did the pheasants and hyenas at the zoo dress up as clowns? Because of all the zoo animals, they were game for a laugh.
  • Why did the clown become a gardener? He was outstanding in his field!
  • Who is the most admired of all clowns? The ones on stilts, because everyone looks up to them.
  • When asked why he loved his job, the clown just shrugged and said, I’m just here for the pies.
  • I quit my job yesterday at McDonald’s playing Ronald McDonald. Why? Because the boss was already a clown and they didn’t need two.
  • What do you call a clown in jail? A SillyCon!
  • Why did the circus fire the lion tamer? He couldn’t stop clowning around!
  • Why do clowns never write checks? Because it’s always funny money!
  • I met a clown who couldn’t remember anything, I guess he had a bad case of amnesia… oh wait, that’s not funny.
  • My mom took me to the circus yesterday to see the clowns. My favorite was the clown who was always covered in eggs. He was known as the yolker.
  • My dad once worked as a trapeze artist at the circus, but eventually he couldn’t do it anymore. Let’s just say he was let go.
  • Why was the clown driving a police car? He was doing cop-comedy!
  • Why did the shoemaker charge double for making clown shoes? Because it’s no small feat.
  • Why was the circus tightrope so high? Because it was trying to top the trapeze!
  • What did they teach at the self-defense course against clowns? How to go for the juggler!
  • What did the judge decide when he found out that a clown ran away with the circus? The judge sentenced him to return the circus back to the owner.
  • What did the woman say when a clown held the door open for her? “What a kind jester! ”
  • When a clown was ticketed by a cop for jaywalking, what was his defense? He was crossing the road to get to the rubber chicken on the other side.
  • Why don’t clowns use bookmarks? Because they always go back to the punchline.
  • Why was the clown forced into medical retirement? He unfortunately broke his funny bone.
  • A plane carrying circus performers crashed on a remote island that was inhabited by cannibals. After two months only the clowns had survived. When asked about it the head cannibal said it was because they tasted funny.
  • Why is it so easy to weight train at the circus? Because they always contrive to lift your spirits!
  • Why don’t clowns like to use elevators? They prefer to take the fun stairs!
  • Why did the dressmaker charge double for making clown costumes? Poly Jester can get really expensive!
  • Why does a clown wear noisy shoes? So he can sneaker up on you!
  • Why did the clown paint his car red? So, it would go faster!
  • What do you get when you cross a clown with a shark? Something that will make you laugh your head off!
  • Why did the little kid keep laughing when eating the cotton candy he got from the clown? It tasted a little funny.
  • Why was the clown at the bar so good at darts? Because they’re always hitting the jester spot.
  • Why didn’t the clown need a GPS? He always followed his nose!
  • Why was there a sign, “clown for hire” in front of the human cannonball act? Because when the old clown retired, it was hard to find another of the same caliber.
  • What do you call a clown who never shows up for work? A no-show clown!
  • Why was the circus lion eating the tightrope walker? He wanted a well-balanced meal!
  • Why do clowns wear loud socks? It keeps their feet from falling asleep.
  • Why was the trapeze artist told to do his performance again? Because he missed the catch of the day!
  • Why don’t clowns wear digital watches? Because there’s always time for fun!
  • Why don’t clowns use doorbells? They think it’s a knock-knock joke!
  • I heard from a chiropractor that most of his business came from circus clowns. He explained that it was because they always sleep funny.

And there you have it folks – a cavalcade of 41 clowning classics that are sure to have you laughing harder than hyenas at a humor conference. Whether these wise-cracking witticisms left you split at the sides or gingerly smirking, there’s no doubting the undeniable charm of a good clown pun. So, next time life’s circus gets you down, remember: the joke’s always on us! Stay tuned for more funny compilations to keep your giggles rolling like a clown car in overdrive. Till then, keep laughing – after all, humor is the best makeup!