37 Hilarious Oatmeal Puns That Will Leave You Grain-ing For More

Get ready for a wholesome dose of humor that’s sure to get your belly rumbling. If there’s one thing we know, it’s that oats aren’t just for heart-healthy breakfasts anymore. So toss out your old grumpy ‘granola’ associations about this amazing grain because we are about to cook up some deliciously funny oatmeal puns and jokes. We’ve got 37 bites of wordplay that’s so brilliantly hilarious, it’ll have you oat-verwhelmed with laughter.

This isn’t your regular, run-of-the-mill comedy; this is the start of your journey into the grain-y, nutty world of oatmeal mirth. We promise, it’s not ‘oat’ of your league; just enjoy the unrefined humor. Without spilling too many puns here, let’s just say these jokes are a ‘bowl’ lot of fun waiting for you – now let your laughter grains roll on! So go ahead, let’s get your daily dose of fiber-filled jests and see if you can find the ‘oat-most’ hilarious one of all.

  • Why was the oatmeal arrested? It was caught streaking in the breakfast aisle.
  • Why did the oatmeal go to therapy? It had too many grains on his mind.
  • Why was the oatmeal a good detective? It always followed the trail-mix.
  • What is the most popular form of terrorism? Oatmeal.
  • How much oatmeal does it take to screw in a light bulb? One, unless it was a rough bulb.
  • Why did the oatmeal go to school? To become oat-standing.
  • What’s an oatmeal’s favorite dance? The grainy hop.
  • Why did the oatmeal file a police report? It got mugged every morning.
  • Knock knockWho’s there? Oatmeal. Oatmeal who? Oatmeal from outer space!
  • Why did the oatmeal start a bakery? Because it kneaded the dough.
  • What’s the difference between an oatmeal cookie and a Twinkie? A whole lot of sugar.
  • What’s the laziest grain? The oat, it lays in the meal all day.
  • What do you call well-read oatmeal? Well-raked.
  • Why don’t oatmeals ever tell secrets? They might spill the beans, or in this case, the grains.
  • Why did the oatmeal blush? It saw the milk naked.
  • What’s an oatmeal’s favorite type of music? Raisin’ N Roll.
  • What does the oatmeal do at the gym? Pil-oats.
  • What did one little oatmeal say to the other? I’m going to Ireland.
  • What do you call an oatmeal noodle? A Cheerio
  • Why did the oats join the orchestra? Because they had perfect p-it-ch.
  • How does an oatmeal flirt? It says, Are you feeling oat-k?
  • What does an oatmeal say during a race? I’m feeling my oats!
  • What did the oatmeal say to the water? Don’t drown me; boil me
  • What is an oatmeal’s favorite sport? Bowl-ing.
  • What do you call it when oatmeal is eaten on a plane? A flying breakfast
  • Why do you never hear of cooks calling their oatmeal “Pudding” or “Lyle? ” Because they died at the first mention of it.
  • Why did the oatmeal break up with dessert? It felt desserted.
  • What’s oatmeal’s favorite movie? The Breakfast Club.
  • Why is the oatmeal always late for work? It always gets rolled in traffic.
  • Why was oatmeal the favorite at the barn party? It really knew how to shake its husk.
  • What do you call it when oatmeal wins the lottery? Oatmeal-fied.
  • What does an oatmeal do at the beach? Catch some rays-ins.
  • Why was the oatmeal a great musician? Because it had perfect pitch…er, porridge.
  • What’s the oatmeal’s favorite day of the week? Sun-dae.
  • What is the difference between dry oatmeal and wet oatmeal? Wet oatmeal has more glue
  • How do you keep oatmeal from eating your face? Wear a mask.
  • What kind of bird is oatmeal? A fat one with an attitude.

We’ve reached the end of our fiber-filled fun ride with these 37 belly-laugh inducing oatmeal puns, and it’s oaty-ous that your funny bone took quite a kneading. As much as we hate to break away from these hearty wisecracks, it’s about thyme to bring our pun fest to an end. But don’t get your grains in a knot, because you can always porridge through the list again when you need a good whole-grain hoot. Stay tuned for more pun-tastic content to get your bellies rolling and your laughter spilling like a poorly poured bowl of oatmeal. Stay wholesome!