62 Bone-Tickling Skeleton Jokes to Have You Rattling With Laughter

Get ready to grin and bare your rib cage with this side-splitting showcase of skeleton humor! We’ve got an array of bone-rattling hilarity totalling up to 62 quips, quibbles and gags that are sure to marrow-ly escape from turning your humerus into a funny bone.

Don’t be a bonehead and skip over this treasury of rib-tickling funnies; it’s calcium-packed full of laughs that won’t cost you a single bone – I mean, buck! Consider this your invitation to the world’s only humorous osteology seminar. Muster up your bravery to face the Skeleton Crew and dive deep into our bone yard of giggles that’ll have your funny bones jumping in jolly jangles!

  • What does the skeleton chef say when he serves you a meal? “Bone Appetit! ”
  • What do you call a skeleton doctor? A spinologist.
  • How do skeletons get to far away places? the scareplane or the skelecopter.
  • Who brings skeleton their mail? The bony express.
  • Why was the skeleton a great comedian? He always cracked people up.
  • Skeletons love to binge-watch their favorite shows on the skelevision.
  • Why don’t skeletons perform in churches? They don’t have an organ.
  • Why did the skeleton have no friends to play cricket? He kept losing his wickets.
  • Why did the skeleton go to the disco? To feel the beat in his bones.
  • Why can’t skeletons stay wet for long? Thy’re bone dry.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party? He had no body to dance with!
  • The skeleton couldn’t keep anything tidy because of his lazy bones.
  • Why did the skeleton refuse to play hide and seek? Because he knew they would just see right through him.
  • What do you call a skeleton who won’t work? Lazy bones.
  • Who was the most famous skeleton detective? Sherlock Bones
  • Skeletons start a lot of fights since they often have bones to pick.
  • The skeleton can play the trom-bone best.
  • Who is a skeleton’s favorite singer? Bone-y M.
  • What’s the coolest part of a skeleton? The hip.
  • Where do you imprison a criminal skeleton? The rib cage.
  • Who did the skeleton take to the prom? His ghoul-friend.
  • What did the skeleton tutor specialize in? Bone-rithmetic.
  • What’s a skeleton’s favorite art medium? Skullpture.
  • Why didn’t one skeleton want to look at the other skeleton? He didn’t have the stomach for it.
  • The skeleton was depressed because he didn’t have any body to love.
  • The skeleton decided to “bone up” on the material for the big exam.
  • Who’s a skeleton’s favorite emperor? Napoleon Bone-a-part.
  • What do you call it when a skeleton is having a great time? An osteoblast.
  • What do you call a dumb skeleton? numbskull.
  • Skeletons like to serve tea on bone china. Watch out for chips!
  • The skeleton didn’t mind that everyone called him a bonehead.
  • Why did the skeleton climb up the tree? Because a dog was after his bones!
  • Saw a skeleton do stand up… it was humerus.
  • Why couldn’t the skeleton get out of bed? He had a bone to pick.
  • Why are skeletons such adept foresters? They’re LUMBARjacks!
  • When you donate your body to science you have to spine on the dotted line.
  • Why did the skeleton go on a diet? To lose some bone weight.
  • Why did the skeleton quit his job? His heart wasn’t in it. Wait, he had no heart!
  • Why are graveyards so noisy? It’s all the coffin.
  • Skeletons can’t help being afraid of storms since they have no guts.
  • How did the skeleton know it was going to rain? He could feel it in his bones!
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite plant? A bone-zai tree.
  • Skeletons are always trying tibia honest.
  • The skeleton likes wine with a full body because he doesnt have one.
  • The skeleton barely made it out of the haunted house…it was a marrow escape.
  • The skeleton painted his house in marrow-n red.
  • Wat do you call a skeleton in the closet? Hide and shriek.
  • Why are skeletons always chill? Because nothing gets under their skin!
  • Why do skeletons love winter? Sleigh-rides tickles their funny bone.
  • Why did the skeleton break up? Cause he felt too much pressed.
  • Skeletons are bad liars because everyone can see right through them.
  • Why did the skeleton go to the BBQ? To grab another rib.
  • What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument? sax-a-bone.
  • Why was the skeleton super calm? Because nothing rattles him.
  • Why can’t a group of skeletons work efficiently? It’s a skeleton crew.
  • Why did the skeleton start a garden? To grow some spine-apples.
  • Why was the skeleton a great politician? He knew just how to marrow-nate the audience.
  • That skeleton sure brought some spare ribs to the picnic.
  • Why was the skeleton always at the spa? He needed to decom-bone.
  • Why wasn’t the skeleton dangerous? No guts, no glory.
  • Why did the skeleton march in the band? Because he liked the trom-bone section.
  • Where do you learn about bones? Osteo-classt.

And there you have it, an uproarious compilation of 62 rib-tickling skeleton jokes so funny, they’ve probably rattled your funny bone and made your humerus crackle with laughter. These jokes prove that comedy is not just skin-deep, but bone-deep too! So remember, the next time you’re in a room full of stiff faces, be a trendsetter by cracking a skull-splitting joke or two from our hilarious list. Keep the giggles coming, because laughter, after all, is the best medicine. And who knows! It might just bring out the funny bone in everyone around you!