45 X-Ray Puns That Will Radiate Your Funny Bone

Get ready for a glowingly good time! Our compilation of 45 X-Ray inspired puns is just the right dose to tickle your ribs, and quite possibly the rest of your skeleton. Fit for all funny bone connoisseurs from amateurs to seasoned pun professionals, we’ve carefully scanned the humor spectrum to come up with a list that’s simply radiating with hilarity!

Brace yourselves for a comedic journey that sees right through you. Whether you’re a radiologist seeking some on-duty chuckles, or just a lover of good, wholesome laughter, our humor prescription will make you laugh so hard, you might just need an X-Ray. So grab your protective gear, prepare to split your sides, and step into our radiology department of hilarity!

  • Shock upon seeing an X-ray, Oh, I picked up some skeleton-weight!
  • Why does an X-ray machine ignore its haters? It can see right through their squabbles!
  • Why are cats better than dogs in radiology? Because dog’s cannot operate an MRI machine but CATSCAN
  • Me: Superman has X-ray vision in his eyes, right? Friend: Yes, of course. It’s one of his abilities. Me: Does that mean he can still see when he closes his eyes? Friend: (puzzled) Honestly. I don’t know.
  • Why did the X-ray technician go broke? He kept giving everyone free exposures!
  • Why don’t X-ray machines ever drink alcohol? Because they can’t handle any more shots!
  • A girl calls her boyfriend while at the hospital. Boyfriend: Babe, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? The girl answers through her tears, Girlfriend: I just saw my x-ray. Boyfriend: What? I thought I told you to stay away from him.
  • Why do X-ray machines hate secrets? Because they always see right through them!
  • I asked my friend for sunglasses that can see inside someone’s eyes. She recommended X-Ray Bans.
  • Radiologist to the patient, “I don’t know if your insurance will cover this, it’s a gray area.
  • Why do radiologists have a good sense of direction? They always have their X-ray-dar on!
  • Two guys are sitting outside a party sipping their beers while talking about their favorite movies. Guy 1: Lois Lane must have breast cancer. Don’t you think? Guy 2: Why on earth would you even think of something like that. Guy 1: I mean, think about it. She does get X-rayed too many times, obviously. Guy 2: Yeah, I think you’ve had enough for today buddy.
  • What do you call an overweight X-ray machine? X-tra Large-ray!
  • Nothing takes longer than a first year student trying to finish an X-ray
  • What do you think will happen to Ray if he changes his name? He will become an X-ray.
  • Why did the X-ray machine refuse to work at a fashion show? It didn’t want to take super model scans.
  • My friend and I were arguing if people with X-ray vision exist. Our argument continued for hours until she told me she could see right through my argument. I know. She’s kind of a hypocrite.
  • What was the patient told by the dentist to go and take to the X-ray Department? Tooth Pics.
  • Why was the X-ray machine a great detective? It could see through every alibi!
  • Earlier, I was in the emergency room waiting for the doctor to come back with my results for a blood test. As I sat there waiting patiently, I overheard two nurses talking about a patient who had just been brought in the ER. Apparently, this patient was experiencing severe rectal pain. After conducting an X-ray, they found out that the guy had at least 7 toy horses in his colon. However, the nurses said that his condition was stable.
  • What did the X-ray machine say to the MRI machine? Your sound wave methods are too noisy, let’s keep things light!
  • I don’t know why my x-ray technician accepted to go on a date with me after constantly saying she does not go out with patients. Guess she saw something in me.
  • During a storm, why should you never stand next to an X-ray machine? You might get X-rayned On!
  • I wanted to have an X-ray done only on my wrist, but I didn’t want to go to the hospital. Instead, I went to the Airport.
  • Why do X-ray devices make terrible comedians? Because their humor is too transparent!
  • Where do X-ray machines go to have fun? The irradiation station!
  • Why was the X-ray machine awarded at the Annual Tech Gala? For its services in the field of trans-parency!
  • Husband: Why does it always take so long to get an X-ray in this hospital? Wife: Maybe it’s because they always have a skeleton staff working
  • I went to get an X-ray at the hospital yesterday. After waiting for quite a while, the doctor came back with my results. He told me, “There’s a saying that my father used to tell me when I was a young kid, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, ”he held up my X-ray as he continued, “But this one can only be described using two words, ‘You’re screwed’. ”
  • Why don’t X-ray machines ever lose at poker? They always see right through their opponents!
  • Two guys are seated at the bar happily drinking beer. Random guy1: Hey. Where do you think superman inherited his X-ray ability? Random guy2: Uh, I guess from his parents. Genetics and all that kind of stuff. Random guy1: Then, that means he has great parental super vision.
  • Why did the radiologist go fishing? He heard X-rays liked to school!
  • Why couldn’t the X-ray speak Spanish? It could only say “ray-dio”
  • Doctor: I think a marriage between a radiologist and radiographer would be very transparent. Nurse: How come? Doctor: Since they can see right through each otherNurse: (laughing) Well, I don’t think that marriage will last for long
  • A doctor was conducting a presentation to recently hired interns at the hospital. Doctor: As you can see, the X-ray shows a broken rib. Anyone know how to go about fixing a broken rib? Intern 1: You can use a splint or cast. Doctor: Yes. That’s one way. Anyone else? Intern 2: Can’t you just fix it with Photoshop. Doctor: Get out!
  • Why do X-ray technicians throw great parties? They know how to get everyone radiated!
  • Why did the X-ray machine get a ticket? It was caught without its film!
  • Why did the X-ray blush? It saw through too many pairs of briefs!
  • Why did the student fail the medical exam after conducting an X-ray on her lower torso. Maybe she didn’t put her heart into it
  • What did the X-ray say to the ultrasound? Stop making waves!
  • What do X-ray technicians snack on? Microwave popcorn, because they’re into radiation!
  • Patient: Is radiology an easy profession? Radiologist: I mean, it’s not always black and white. There’s also a lot of gray area. But overall, it’s a g-ray-t job.
  • Radiologists don’t take selfies. They take skelfies using the X-Ray
  • Patient: Any news doctor? I’ve been here for quite some time. Doctor: Let me first go and get your X-ray. Patient: Wait, what? I don’t think I’ve ever dated someone called Ray. Doctor: Okay. Seems I’ll have to schedule a brain scan too.
  • A patient was waiting for his X-ray results at the emergency room. The doctor came back with the x-ray while his hands were trembling. Scared, the patient asked, “What’s wrong, doctor? The doctor replied, “This is what I had feared the most. ”Still confused, the patient asked, “What do you mean? ”The doctor whispered, “Skeletons! ”

Well, there you have it, folks! Radiating your funny bone, one X-Ray pun at a time. We scanned through all 45 puns, shed some light on the humour hidden within them, and projected some fun into your day. It’s almost like we’ve developed a new kind of comedy. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so keep that giggle growing. And next time you find yourself under the X-Ray machine, don’t forget to lighten up and throw a pun or two of your own at the radiologist!