54 Ultimate Yellow Hues of Humor to Brighten Your Day

Welcome to a sunny, zesty medley of humor that’ll cause chuckles, grins, and even the occasional pant-wetting burst of laughter. Brace yourselves, because what you’re about to dive into is a vibrant ensemble of 54 puns and jokes, all soaked in hues of yellow. Imagine slipping on a banana skin of humor or chuckling over a joke as ineffably cheesy as your favorite cheddar, and you’ll get the picture!

Whether the day is as beaming as a canary or a little grey around the edges, this compilation will infuse your hours with a splash of yellow tinted wisecracks. These punchlines are ideal for every ‘corn’-occasion, ‘lemon’-situations, or even ‘egg’-citing days you want to brighten up more. So, giggle along, prepare your best belly laughs, and let’s add that touch of gold to your day. Alrighty then, buckle up and brace yourselves for the yellowest laughter ride of your life!

  • Every time it snowed, someone wrote “Tommy sucks” on the yellow snow outside of his front door. This made Tommy really mad. He ultimately sought assistance from a policeman he knew pretty well. The policeman looked it over and took pictures and samples. A few days later, the officer came back to Tommy and said, “The good news is that we now know that Phil, your best friend, was the source of the urine. The bad news is that it was written by Lillian, your wife. ”
  • Why do bananas wear sunscreen? Because they peel easily.
  • When the phone rang “green green, ” I pinked it up. “Yellow? Is this blue? Can you speak more clearly? I’ll call you black later because I can’t hear you purplerly. ”
  • Why don’t hippos like yellow light? Because they prefer to stay grey-vy.
  • There was a meltdown in the cheese factory today.
  • What did the banana say to the other banana? Yellow there!
  • Did you know that a yellow bulldozer cannot swim?
  • Why did Elsa drop the snow? Because it was yellow.
  • Never trust any atom because they make up everything, even the yellow ones.
  • What is yellow and sits in a tree? A tweetie prostitute that sings, “cheap, cheap. ”
  • What do you call a banana who likes to fight? A peel boxer.
  • Why was the curry good at jokes? Because it was a spicy comedian.
  • You never want to ingest yellow snow.
  • Why didn’t the sun go to college? Because it already had a million degrees.
  • What do minions find fascinating? Yellow bananas.
  • Why did Sherlock Holmes request a yellow front door from his friend Watson?  Lemony Opening.
  • Since my husband only ate the white jasmine rice and refused to eat the yellow vegetables and chicken, it is for sure because he is racist.
  • The teacher was having fun with her students and asked them what the first letter was in the word yellow. The class shouted very excitedly, “Y. ” The teacher responded to the kids saying, “Why? Because I want to know! ”
  • Lemons use lemon-aide to assist them when they are injured.
  • A grocery store delivered some golden yellow, ripe, and juicy mangoes to me. However, they sent me only green mangoes, so it was a raw deal.
  • The woman’s car got towed because she parked behind the yellow line.
  • What do you call a smart honey bee? A spelling bee.
  • This thick, yellow, jelly-like material came out of the egg as I cracked it open. It must be a yolk.
  • Why did the pencil go to school? So it could become a bright yellow scholar.
  • What are yellow flowers perfect for? Pollen pranks.
  • Why don’t bananas ever get lonely? Because they hang in bunches.
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because it was outstanding in its yellow field.
  • What did the yellow corn say to the green pea? You’re driving me cob nuts!
  • Recently I went on vacation to Oz and hired a car with a GPS. It just keeps telling me to follow the yellow brick road.
  • How does the yellow mannequin talk? It just says, I’m all dolled up.
  • At a traffic light, two blonde girls stop at a red light. The first blonde says, “Check out that lovely shade of red! Perfect for lipstick. The second blonde agreed and then said, “Wow, that yellow is perfect for a sunny make-up look too! ” The first blonde says, “Wow you are brilliant! But that green, it would look amazing on my hazel eyes, right? ! ” The second blonde says, “Well, look at that. The red light again, let’s go since we already saw all three. ”
  • Did you know it makes me a taxidermist because I decorate the walls with stuffed yellow taxis?
  • A lion’s throw up is yellow and smells like zebra.
  • Bananas are never lonely because they travel in bunches.
  • The banana went to the clinic today because it was peeling.
  • What smells similar to red paint and is yellow? Of course, it’s yellow paint!
  • A wannabee is a fly dressed in black and yellow.
  • Why did the lemon go to the doctor? It was feeling sour.
  • When I heard from a friend that all apples were yellow, I thought, “That’s bananas. ”
  • Who would have thought that it was a woman who composed the famous song, “Itsy-Bitsy, Teenie-Weenie, Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini. ” What a man would have named the famous song would have been “Itsy-Bitsy, GIANT CRANK, Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini. ”
  • Why did the sun go on a diet? It was feeling too round and bright.
  • I told my sister that the cheese that didn’t belong to her was “nacho cheese! ” She was mad.
  • If buttercups are yellow, what color are the hiccups? They would be burple.
  • The real reason that yellow divorced red was because red blue green.
  • Why did the yellow traffic light never go to school? Because it was told it’ll never pass.
  • Why don’t monsters eat ghosts? They taste too vanilla, they prefer mustard.
  • Guess what is dangerous and yellow in color? Custard that is infested by sharks.
  • Why was the sun so popular at school? Because it always had really bright and shiny days.
  • The yellow suspenders worn by firefighters serve what purpose? To keep his pant height the same.
  • Why was the yellow piece of paper sad? Because it felt tear-able.
  • What kind of bagel can fly? A plane one, if it was a yellow bagel, it would just be a cheesy joke.
  • Why was the canary upset? Because he was feeling too cooped up.
  • What did the banana say to the lemon? You’re so a-peeling.
  • Why did the elephant apply yellow paint to its feet? So that it could hide in a custard bowl. Never witnessed an elephant in a custard bowl? That means it is working, clever animals.

And there you have it, folks! 54 sparkling shards of sunny humor guaranteed to bring some warmth into your day. Whether you’re a fan of daffodil giggles or banana peels of laughter, I hope these well-crafted witticisms have painted your cheeks yellow with joy. And remember, if life hands you lemons, make lemonade… or better yet, whip up a lemon punch line and keep the good vibes glowing. Until next time: stay bright, stay mellow, stay yellow!