65 Galactic Giggles That Are Simply Out of This World

Buckle up and prepare for lift-off into a laughter galaxy far, far away! We’ve amassed a legendary collection of space-themed jests and puns that will make even aliens from Alpha Centauri chuckle. With 65 in total, these comical jabs are certain to ignite your jovial engines and send you into fits of extraterrestrial merriment.

Have you ever wondered what a Martian finds funny, or what type of joke might cause a black hole to belch with laughter? Well, our supermassive collection is just the tool to find out. Blending astronomical amusement with gravitational giggles, these cosmic cracks are certain to maintain an atmosphere of hilarity. So, sit back, relax and prepare for a comedic journey that is simply… out of this world! Get ready to rocket your sense of humor to infinity and beyond!

  • Why does Mercury always catch up with his friends? Because he has an orbit-tude.
  • Einstein released his theory about space… well it’s about time!
  • Friends on the last planet in the solar system have plutonic relationships.
  • A pair of twins decided on adventurous careers. One became an astronaut. The other became a skydiver. He was more down to earth.
  • How does Moon cut his hair? He eclipse it.
  • I was shopping for a new car. I asked the dealer, “Cargo space? ” and he said yes, but the car didn’t even make it off the launchpad.
  • What do astronauts say when they fight? Comet me bro!
  • I want to be an astronaut when I grow up. They say I have high hopes.
  • What do you say when a young moon tries out an odd new interest? It’s just a phase.
  • What did Mars say to Saturn? Give me a ring sometime!
  • How does the universe stay in shape? It does planet crunches.
  • What do aliens say when they fall in love? You’ve abducted my heart.
  • Why did Saturn get a ticket? It was over the moon.
  • Where do astronauts download their music? Neptunes.
  • I wanted to install an observatory in my house, but the cost was astronomical.
  • The new paper about alien life forms didn’t get published. It was too far out.
  • Why do cows want to go to space? To see the Milky Way.
  • I was reading a book on anti-gravity. I can’t put it down.
  • Why is Venus very artistic? Because it has a love for space crafts.
  • Saturn that frown upside down
  • Get outer my space
  • How do astronauts enjoy their drinks? In vacuum flasks, that’s their space-tea.
  • Why did Pluto not read the space newspaper? It didn’t want to read any more lies about being a planet.
  • What do you call headlights on a lunar rover? Moonbeams
  • What do you call an overweight extra-terrestrial? An astro-chunk.
  • Where do planets post memes? Their spacebook account.
  • My boyfriend wanted me to give up my career at NASA to marry him. I told him I need my space.
  • What does the astronaut who’s dieting order at the bar? A sateli-lite beer
  • Why did the astronaut break up with his girlfriend? He needed space.
  • Why did the astronaut take a pencil to space? It was out-of-lead experience.
  • How do you lull a baby astronaut to sleep? Rocket.
  • What do you call a space rock that’s always worried? A meteor-noid.
  • I attended a lecture on Halley’s Comet. It went over my head.
  • What’s a light-year? The same as a regular year, with fewer calories.
  • Can’t hear you, I’m Neptune-ing you out
  • What do you call an astronaut who’s NOT a vegetarian? A meteor.
  • What’s a spaceman’s favorite chocolate? Mars bar.
  • What do astronomers say about things that aren’t important? It’s not sirius.
  • The earth’s rotation really makes my day.
  • Orion’s Belt is such a waist of space.
  • I’m so disappointed. I keep pressing the spacebar on my keyboard, but I’m still on Earth.
  • Space was cool before it… mattered
  • People didn’t care for the moon based restaurant… there was no atmosphere.
  • Learning about space all day is exhausting. I need a launch break.
  • How do you know when the moon has eaten too much? When it’s full.
  • Why does the moon go to therapy? Because it has a lot of space issues.
  • Why are astronomers great singers? They always hit the high cosmos.
  • How would an astronaut get a parking ticket? When his parking meteor times out.
  • How do you know when the moon is going broke? When it’s down to its last quarter.
  • Why doesn’t Mars get annoyed easily? He is just used to Rover the place.
  • Why are there no night parties in space? Because the Sun never sets.
  • Do you know how astronauts say sorry? They APOLLO-gize.
  • Why do astronauts hate coming back to Earth? It’s always a down-to-Earth experience.
  • Why did the sun go to school? To get brighter.
  • How does a Man get a haircut on the moon? Eclipse it.
  • Why couldn’t the astronaut keep his? He was spacing out.
  • What do you call a fashionable astronaut? A space model.
  • Why did the Sun never go back to college? Because it already had a million degrees!
  • I’m addicted to space jokes, but someday I’ll over-comet.
  • What do astronomers like to read? Comet books!
  • Astronauts get to keep their jobs after they’re fired.
  • Why are Neptune’s fingers tired? It was doing too much space texting.
  • Not everyone can pull off wearing a spacesuit, but I rocket.
  • How do astronauts organise a party? They planet.
  • What do you call a sun who’s always late? Tardy in Solar.

Well, there you have it, folks! A laughter-inducing journey across the universe, one hilarious pun at a time. You’ve warped through 65 dizzyingly comedic ideas that prove space is not just about stars and galaxies, but a world filled with laughs too. Always remember, the next time you look up at the night sky, don’t just marvel at its vastness, also chuckle at its sense of humor. Because in our galaxy, the Milky Way, there’s always room for Milky Whey (laughter)! So, whether you’re here on planet Earth or someplace far, far away, keep these puns at the ready to break the ice, lighten the mood or simply when you feel like being the ‘star’ of the party!