52 Hilarious Trampoline Puns That’ll Make You Jump For Joy

Get ready for a laughter leap as we flip into a compilation of trampoline themed humor that will set your chuckling muscles to bounce mode. Beyond the cliche of jumping for joy, these hilarious puns and comical quips take a spring-loaded plunge into the uniquely mirthful world of trampolines.

Will you bounce off the walls with laughter or flip head-over-heels in chortles? Only one way to find out! So, prepare yourself for a light-hearted journey through humor and wit where the punchlines land softer than a novice trampolinist’s first jump. It’s time to dive—or dare we say, rebound?—into a world of 52 rib-tickling trampoline puns and jests. Buckle in, these bouncing bants will send your laughter skywards!

  • Trampolines are not good for the kind of people that really enjoy jumping to conclusions about everything.
  • Do you have any idea what a wooly jumper is? It’s a sheep on a trampoline, of course.
  • Why are artists bad at using the trampoline? They can’t draw a good bounce.
  • I asked my dad if I can have a trampoline. He had a flip-out!
  • My trampoline and my girlfriend have one really important thing in common; they are both imaginary.
  • I once heard an extremely wise old man tell me that money could not buy happiness. He then stated that money could purchase a trampoline, and you will never see an unhappy person jumping on a trampoline.
  • I took the time to train as a trampoline instructor. When friends ask why I explain, it always gives me something to fall back on.
  • Why was the trampoline locked up? It was aiding in the springing of jump breakers.
  • There was a company that finally cornered the market selling trampolines to fortune tellers. They found that their profits immediately started going through the roof.
  • The bouncer told me that I had to leave. When I asked why and said I didn’t want to leave, he said he made the rule since it was his trampoline.
  • When I bought my sister an extra-bouncy trampoline once for her birthday. She loved it so much she was over the moon.
  • You might say I have a trampoline phobia. No matter what, they will always make me jump!
  • Why don’t comedians use trampolines in their acts? Too much spring in their jokes.
  • How was the astronaut chose for the mission? He had the highest jumps on the trampoline.
  • I always know that my neighbors are starting their spring cleaning when I see them outside washing the trampoline.
  • I noticed an extra spring in my coworkers steps last week and asked why. He said that it all started when he put his foot through the trampoline. The spring in his step has been with him ever since.
  • My husband hit the roof when he discovered that I had replaced the bed with a trampoline.
  • Why didn’t the sun go on the trampoline? It didn’t want to fall for the bounce.
  • I don’t understand why I am the only one who always wears proper trampoline attire. I always go in my jumpsuit.
  • No matter how old I get, I still bounce back. My secret? A trampoline.
  • My New Year’s resolution is to stop using my trampoline. I’ve hit rock bottom.
  • How high can scientists jump on a trampoline? Sky’s the limit.
  • I lost my first job because I was caught jumping on a trampoline. I guess I just couldn’t stay grounded.
  • Why do sumo wrestlers hate trampolines? Because they can’t stick the landing.
  • I always prefer my water after it has been on a trampoline. Then it is natural spring water and my favorite.
  • Why do kangaroos hate trampolines? Because they hate unnecessary bouncing.
  • Did you know that trampolines haven’t always been called that? They used to be called jumpolines until your mom decided to use them.
  • What do you call a trampoline in Antarctica? A chill spring.
  • When I was younger I attended a friend’s eighth birthday party and his mom bought him a huge trampoline. I just remember how he was crying so hard that he fell right out of his wheelchair.
  • Want to hear a construction joke? Oh never mind, I’m still working on that one. And while I’m waiting, I’m jumping on my trampoline.
  • Trampoline selling is a weird business, it has its ups and downs.
  • Why don’t eggs like trampolines? They crack under pressure.
  • Do you know how musicians used to get people to jump on the bandwagon? They have just started installing trampolines on the tour buses.
  • Joining the mile-high club was a thrilling experience. There are few people as skilled on a trampoline to do that.
  • I was very unsure of the trampoline business when I realized they always have ups and downs.
  • Doing backflips on a trampoline is no easy feat, but I landed it!
  • When I noticed the sign that said trampolines were on sale for half price, I jumped on the offer immediately,
  • I was told to stop acting immature. Apparently, continuously jumping on a trampoline is an overreaction.
  • I was working at the trampoline store, but the store was shut down when it was discovered that the paychecks from the owner kept bouncing.
  • My dream had always been to start a European trampoline business, but when I finally did, the Czechs would not stop bouncing.
  • There was a series of trampolines installed under the bridge that was notorious for suicides. They realized how depressed people really needed to have something to help them bounce back.
  • When the plane crashed into the trampoline the sound that everyone described was a loud Boeing.
  • When they were all finished jumping on the trampoline, one of the girls had to leave rather quickly, and said she would see them later, since she had to bounce now.
  • Cruise ships have suddenly gotten to be super jumping for passengers. The cruise companies finally installed trampolines on the ships.
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. Just like my grandpa on a trampoline.
  • What do you call a computer jumping on a trampoline? A Dell rolling in the deep.
  • When you cross a cow on a trampoline, you get the best milkshake you will ever have.
  • Why did the skeleton refuse to jump on the trampoline? He didn’t have the guts.
  • Friends are like trampolines. They’re few and far between and there is always that one you can’t have because it won’t flint into the available space right.
  • Why did the man keep his money under the trampoline? Because he liked his cash to bounce.
  • What’s the trampoline’s favorite type of music? Hip Hop.
  • I have discovered that there is one time of year better for jumping on a trampoline than others. It’s springtime, of course.

And there you have it folks, 52 bounce-tastic trampoline quips so full of leap and laughter, they’ll send you sky-high. Just like a good trampoline session, we hope these jokes have you flipping with amusement and bouncing off the walls with hilarity. Remember, in the world of comedy, the sky is the limit. And in the trampoline world, well, so is the sky. So, keep springing into smiles, and stay tuned for our next gag-tacular list. Until then, keep jumping and keep laughing!